About Collaborative Change Leadership
Our alumni are reaching out to share that the Collaborative Change Leadership (CCL) Program has enhanced their ability to be the leaders needed for these challenging and uncertain times. As alumni are engaging their teams and communities in compassionate and meaningful ways to co-create and sustain system change, they are achieving rapid, efficient and unprecedented results. CCL is specifically designed for the time in which we find ourselves. The need for emergence, adaptation, co-creation and highly effective implementation rooted in compassion has never been more critical.

Health Leadership: From Challenges to Opportunities
This leadership Program is aimed at leaders in health and health education. Grounded in leadership, change and social accountability theories, processes and practices, this certificate Program is designed to integrate unique learning approaches to real-time challenges.
Participants will apply what they have learned to a Capstone Initiative identified as a priority within their organization, system, or community.
- Enhances leadership for today's challenges.
- Tailored for health and education leaders.
- Applies learning to real-world Capstone Initiatives.
Program Brochure
Explore the full potential of the Collaborative Change Leadership Program. Gain detailed insights into how this program can transform your career and organization. Click below to download the official brochure and start your journey toward impactful leadership today.
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What to Expect from Collaborative Change Leadership
Program Structure
Structured to be context specific, the curriculum is adapted to the individuals, teams and organizations and communities participating. Participants work on a Capstone Initiative during intensive sessions and intersessions, which they develop, design, implement and evaluate in their community or organization. Participants from the same organization should either be working on the same initiative or be prepared to integrate, align or link different initiatives as part of working systemically.
Participants are also involved in evaluating the Program throughout the nine months and after the conclusion of the Program.

Your journey includes
Transformative Virtual Learning
A virtual program designed, delivered, and facilitated for transformative learning.
Expert-Led Insights
Expert faculty and guest speakers.
Innovative Learning Methods
Innovative instructional approaches, including experiential learning, reflection, theory bursts, small and large group activities, peer learning.
Team Coaching
Coaching from faculty.
Capstone Initiative Application
Application of learning to a capstone initiative.
Program Outcomes
By the end of the program, we expect that participants will:

Model and exemplify collaborative change leadership in all facets of their professional work.
Advocate for equity within and across healthcare and education systems.
Theory Application
Explore different theoretical change approaches, and be able to apply change theory in their own contexts.
Appreciative Inquiry
Use appreciative inquiry principles to engage the system in co-creating meaningful and sustainable change that builds on strengths and contributes to the achievement of system goals.
Strategy Design
Design and implement an emergent change strategy by stewarding an organization, system, community, or inter-sectorial capstone initiative.
Integrate and align complementary initiatives within their system.
Community Engagement
Foster senior leadership and collaborative community engagement within and across systems and sectors.
Lead meaning-making processes to generate sustainable change.
Design and implement an evaluation strategy informed by developmental evaluation.
Reflect on, assess movement and adapt direction throughout change implementation.
Knowledge Translation
Translate knowledge to improve health and health systems.
Virtual Program Overview
Five virtual sessions (two days each) that include online components, capstone work and coaching time.
Program Dates / Overview
27 - 28
Exploring an integrated model of collaborative change leadership; developing understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion in the context of setting up the capstone initiative and inquiry; initiating learning community.
24 - 25
Identifying engagement processes; conducting the inquiry with the voices in the system; beginning to design the change strategies and evaluation; and exploring what it means to be a collaborative change leader in this context.
12 - 13
Interpreting the inquiry results; deepening knowledge of emergent change and meaningmaking; integrating system perspectives to begin to co-create the design of the intended change; navigating the tension within traditional systems between implementing a change strategy and sensing system needs and adapting accordingly; leading meaning-making processes and generative feedback; continuing to develop the integrated change and evaluation strategy.
25 - 26
Assessing movement, reflection and adapting strategies based on what is emerging as meaningful in the organization and/or community; deepening the evaluation.
04 - 05
Presenting work accomplished and coaching each other; continuing to assess movement & adapting strategies; deepening participants’ capacity for reflecting, meaning making and adapting; enhancing participants’ ability to articulate the purpose, value and impact of their professional work at its essence; viewing progress through the lens of generative change; and leading through effective storytelling.
Program History
In 2009, through a HealthForceOntario grant, the first iteration of the program was developed, offered and evaluated with an Ontario audience. In 2012, the CCL program expanded to attract a Canadian audience of leaders working in health care or education organizations.
In 2014, the University Health Network (UHN) partnered with the Canadian Interprofessional Health Leadership Collaborative (CIHLC) in a unique opportunity to offer a proof of concept program that integrated social accountability and community engagement as core concepts of the CCL program. The CCL Program gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the CIHLC in partnering to adapt and evaluate the proof of concept Integrated CCL Program.
The CIHLC project was a consortium of the five partner Canadian universities (University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, the Northern School of Medicine, Queen’s University and Université Laval). The CIHLC project was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and by individual contributions of the partner Universities. It was also sponsored by the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C.
The University Health Network in collaboration with the University of Toronto, Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education was pleased to widen the CCL program to an international audience in 2015.